Podar Education Network that has over 80 years of experience in education, led by chariman Dr. Pavan Podar, the network is involved in preschools, daycare, highschools and support many educational initiatives. At the Podar Education Complex they also run a one year diploma in teachers training.

Dr. Pavan Podar and Mrs. Mamta Podar are in favour of supporting the cause learning difficulties and have also commisioned a teacher training program on learning difficulties so that more and more teachers can gain from the training and can suitably support children in the classroom.

Dr. Pavan Podar wanted a specific program for autistic children and podar khushi kids was desigined by president of podar education network Mrs. Swati Popat Vats. With over 25 years of experience both in preschool education, teacher training and curriculum design.

Why a kindergarten for autistic children, can integrated classrooms not work?

At the Podar Jumbo Kids and Podar Happy Kids preschool that are run by the Podar Education Network, under Mrs. Swati Popat Vats, integrated education is followed , which means all kinds of children (learning disabled, hearing imparied, autistic) share the same classroom and are taught according to thier developmental stage. But children with autism also require therapy and remedial sessions as per their needs, since autism is a spectrum disorder , different children will have different needs. And so going for therapy, then remedial and then kindergarten can be exhausting for the childen. So the idea of having it all under one roof- podar happy kids.

The podar group also want to make the kindergarten available all across mumbai and so it will run from all its present centres in mumbai.

The founder of autism india and its president Mrs. Chitra Iyyer and Mrs. Beena Modak have given thier full support to the initiative.


  • Vision of Dr. Pavan Podar

  • Trustee of the 80 year strong podar education group, Mr. Pavan Podar is a visionary in the true sense of the word. The schools under his leadership are a unique combination of technology, trust, quality and social responsibility.

    His vision for children of today is that the people who are responsible for their growth should be empowered and educated about child development. Talk to us India is his vision , which has now been translated into a website and a book. India needs many more educational visionaries afte rall schools help build the nation.


  • Ms. Swati Popat

  • An Educationist With over 23 years of experience in education. Advocacy for children has been her mission and passion, especially advocating for a stress free education for children right from the pre primary years. Her workshops on the art of parenting based on brain research has helped her address many parenting issues. She has written two books, one for children- mr pencil and friends, one for teachers- how to teach so kids can learn and her third book- are you unknowingly harming your child inspired by talktousindia is under print and soon to be published by India book house. The website talktomeindia is her endeavor to take forward the vision of empowered parenting.